My First Warning.

There was a time when I would not necessarily skip a meal but hold off from eating for a while and get away with it but one time I was somewhere at a very long meeting didn’t have anything to eat then suddenly I started feeling kind of awful. I thought to myself ‘could it be? Naw!’ But when time went on I notice my tolerance to skipping was get low. Then it just so happens I had to go to the doctor for some other reason, and they did the typical a blood work. And the doctor came back with a concerned look on her face and told me my blood sugar was high and if it hasn’t improved the next time she sees me she going put me on medication. “Really?” I should have taken it more serious back then, but for some reason, until this day I have been fortunate not to have gone full blown diabetic. Now I’m on metformin and very close to being at 6.5. It scares me even though to eating habits are hard to break I’ve been taking it more seriously and trying to eat better. Got me some diet literature and exercise plan that I definitely have to live by at this moment. Can’t look back what I should’ve done just have to do something now.